You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.7. DEBTORS Menu: Debtors Ledger > 1.7.2. Debtors - Debtors Transaction Processing > Debtors Transaction Processing Hand Written Invoices

Debtors Transaction Processing - Hand Written Invoices

Use this option when you want to invoice a debtor for transactions that do not relate to the sale of items – e.g. advertising or franchise charges – but you don't want Micronet to produce an invoice for the amount. This facility can be used to enter opening balances or for service type invoices that are complementary to the main source of operating income (sales).

Handwritten invoices entered into Micronet affect the debtor balance (Trade Debtors account), the GST account and post to the appropriate account in the General Ledger. They do not affect the inventory files, or your monthly and yearly sales figures.



If you do want to produce an invoice and affect stock and sales figures, see "Sales - Invoice Creation".